Piirkonna 1420 Eesti klubide tulevaste presidentide ja klubiametnike koolitusseminar toimub reedel, 9. märtsil 2018 algusega kell 10:30, Original Sokos Hotel Viru, Viru väljak 4, 10111 Tallinn. Seminarile on oodatud klubide president-electid ja sekretärid.
Sekretäridele mõeldud seminar algab kell 10.30 ja
ühine seminar presidentidele ja sekretäridele algab pärast lõunat ning lõpeb umbes kell 15.00.
Osavõtutasu 23 eurot toitlustamiskulude katteks palume üle kanda selgitusega „09.03.2018“ MTÜ Eesti Rotary Klubid kontole nr. EE032200221058659583.
Registeerida palume hiljemalt 5. märtsil 2018, registeerimise link.
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PETS – President Elect Training Seminar will be held on Friday, 9th March 2018 starting 10:30, Original Sokos Hotel Viru, Viru väljak 4, 10111 Tallinn. President-elects and club officers are invited.
Because of the RI directors meeting at 10.30 we start with the presidents elect after lunch.
However we will start the program with secretaries 10.30 as planned.
Please transfer entry fee € 23 for catering to the bank account of MTÜ Eesti Rotary Klubid EE032200221058659583 with explanation “PETS 09.03.2018″.
Please register no later than by March 5th, 2018, registration link.
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RI President-elect Barry Rassin’s theme for 2018-19, Be the Inspiration, asks Rotarians to inspire change in the world and in each other. “I ask all of you to Be the Inspiration to help Rotary move from reaction to action — to take a hard look at the environmental issues that affect health and welfare around the world and do what we can to help.”