Dear rotarian The year has passed and we again are organizing our Grand charity ball. We will be very happy to greet you and your club members at the Ball in Riga on 17 November at 18.00. Ar cieņu Maija Līne ielugums-uz-2016-g-17-nov-balli-rlb_
Invitation to the Fourth Latvian Charity Clubs’ Grand Ball Tuesday, November 17, 2015, at. 18:00 in Riga Latvian Society House, Merķeļa Street 13 Ball motto: Let’s support our “Mother” – Latvian Society House! Patroness of the Ball – Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga From 17.00 – arriving, entry by presenting Entry Card. Please bring red and / or[Loe edasi]
Fund raising for Ukrainian orphans Rotary International is beyond politics but always present when help is needed for the most vulnerable. Today in Europe it is Ukraine and those Ukrainian children who have lost their parents in war. Orphanages are overcrowded. There are shortages in food and medicines. Children are not at fault, children do not declare war, children who have lost[Loe edasi]
Teisipäeval, 3. detsembril võttis Eesti Rotary Keskuse juhatus ette visiidi Lätti, et mälestada Eesti rotariaanide nimel Riia kaubanduskeskuse tragöödias hukkunuid ning avaldada kaastunnet Läti rotariaanidele ja inimestele. Meie neljaliikmelist delegatsiooni (Arvo V., Peep M., Raivo H. ja Sirje K.,) oli RC Riga Ridzene klubikoosolekule tervitama tulnud lisaks mitmetele külalistele Läti teistest klubidest ka Eesti Vabariigi[Loe edasi]