Pärnu suhkruhaigete laste meelespidamine jõulupakkidega. Alates aastast 1994. www.parnurotary.ee
The project to assist financially strapped large families was initially set up with funds contributed by the Ottawa Rotary Club and our club. Honorary Rotarians, the Ottesens, added funds to the project as did the American Chamber of Commerce Estonia. A Committee was formed in July, 2009 and its members made a two-day fact-finding trip[…]
Pärnumaal said arvutid Pärnu Tugikodu Maarja (30 000 krooni), Kaelase Kool (45 030 krooni), Pärnu Lastekodu (54 280 krooni). Pärnu koolide peale kokku oli toetussumma 129 310 krooni. Eesti koole toetati kokku 623 000 krooniga. Aasta 2000. www.parnurotary.ee
Välismaal õppivate laste toetamine. Lennupiletite ostmine sõitmiseks õppimispaika. Aasta 1997. www.parnurotary.ee
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