Pilt: https://verekeskus.ee/en/donate-blood/
(ENG below)
Head Rotariaanid!
Kutsume teid osalema Rotaract Tallinn International klubi projektis “Veri ringlema”, mille eesmärgiks on edendada veredoonorlust ning julgustada inimesi hakata püsi doonoriteks. Usume, et veredoonorlus on lihtne viis kuidas ühiskonda positiivselt panustada.
Kuidas see toimib? Vali ajavahemikus 22.04 – 05.05.2024 endale sobivaim päev ja mine verd annetama. Annetama võib minna koos oma klubiliikmete, sõprade ja perega või ka üksi. Laadige jagatud kausta üles pilte sellest päevast, märkige ära oma Rotary klubi nimi, kus te verd loovutasite ning lisage ka muid täiendavaid kommentaare või emotsioone, mida soovite meiega jagada.
Seda kõike saate jagada Google vormi kaudu – https://docs.google.com/forms/
Kuupäeval 23.04 lähevad Rotaracti liikmed ühiselt verd annetama ning kõik huvilised on oodatud meiega liituma. (Täpsem info on selgumisel)
Miks üldse verd annetada? Vereannetus on lihtsaim viis kuidas head teha kuna protsess on doonori jaoks lihtne ning valutu, kuid sellel on suur mõju kellegi teise elule. Kusjuures, ühe doonori loovutatud veredoos jagatakse kolmeks komponendiks ning patsiendile antakse ainult seda komponenti, mida neil parasjagu vaja on. Seega aidatakse ühe veredoosiga vähemalt kolme patsidenti.
Veredoonoriks saad hakata kui kui oled terve, kaalud üle 50 kg ja vanuses 18-60 aastat. Lisateavet veredoonorluse kohta leiate Verekeskuse kodulehelt https://verekeskus.ee/
Teeme ühiselt midagi head.
Rotary on tore!
Vastame meeleldi kõikidele küsimustele.
Rotaract Tallinn International
Dear Rotarians,
We invite you to take part in Rotaract Tallinn International’s project “Veri ringlema”, which aims to promote blood donation and encourage people to become regular donors. We believe that donating blood is an easy way to contribute positively to the community.
How does it work? During the weeks of 22.04 – 05.05.2024, pick a day best suited for you and go donate blood. You can go donate together with your club members, friends and family or by yourself. Upload a picture of that day to the provided form and include details of the Rotary club you are from, where you donated blood at, and any other additional comments or emotions you would like to share.
You can share all of this in the Google Forms document – https://docs.google.com/forms/
On 23.04, the members of the Rotaract club will go to donate blood all together. If you are interested in joining us on that day, do let us know.(More details on this will follow)
There is a competition element here as well. We will gather the data submitted and publish updates on where clubs rank based on how many people they have had donate blood. For the club with the most participants, we, the Rotaractors, are offering a pretty sweet prize – us! Meaning that the club who manages to get the most people to donate blood will receive the resource of Rotaract club to use as they see fit in their upcoming projects or events. We can help you organize and set up for an event or just simply participate in a project of your club.
Why is it important to donate blood? Blood donation is a great way to do something good as the process is fairly quick for the donor, but it has a huge impact on the recipient. In fact, the blood from one donor is divided into three components and the patient is only given the component they need. Meaning that one donation can save three lives.
You are eligible to donate blood if you are healthy, weigh over 50kg, and in the age group of 18-60.
Learn more about blood donation from Verekesus´s webpage https://verekeskus.ee/en/
Let’s all come together and do something good.
Rotary is fun!
We will gladly answer any questions.
Rotaract Tallinn International