English below
Lugupeetud AG, Rotary klubi president ja Rotary Fondi komitee esimees!
Olete oodatud D1420 Rotary Fondi seminarile, mis toimub klubi presidentidele ja RF komitee esimeestele. Seminar leiab aset neljapäeval, 28. novembril 2024, algusega kell 16.30 Nordic Hotel Forumis, Tallinnas (Viru väljak 3, 10111 Tallinn, Eesti).
Rotary Fondi Seminar 2024 Tallinn
Kuni 22. novembrini 2024: https://forms.gle/iMRauDtx3AFUTKDx7
Seminar on tasuta. Ettekanded toimuvad eesti ja inglise keeles.
Lisa sündmus oma kalendrisse:
Kui klubi RF komitee esimees ei saa osaleda, siis loodame, et seminaril osaleb klubi president. Eeldame, et osalejal on My Rotary konto, sest seda on seminaril vaja! (juhend konto tegemiseks leiad altpoolt).
Parimate soovidega,
Irmeli Viherluoto-Lindström
Rotary Fondi komitee esimees, D1420
Dear AG, Rotary Club President and Chair of the Foundation Committee,
You are cordially invited to the Rotary District 1420 Foundation Seminar, organized for club presidents and foundation committee chairs. The seminar will take place on Thursday, November 28, 2024, starting at 4:30 p.m. at the Nordic Hotel Forum in Tallinn (Viru väljak 3, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia).
Rotary Foundation Seminar 2024 Tallinn
Deadline: November 22, 2024: https://forms.gle/iMRauDtx3AFUTKDx7
The event is free of charge. Presentations will be held in Estonian and English.
Add it to your calender:
If the chair of the club’s RF committee cannot participate, we hope that the club president will attend the seminar.
We expect the participant to have a My Rotary account, as it is required for the seminar! (You can find instructions for creating an account below).
Best regards,
Irmeli Viherluoto-Lindström
District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair, D1420
Programm / Program and How to create a My Rotary Account:
Kontaktandmed/ Contact Information:
Irmeli Viherluoto-Lindström
+358 500 467 249
Irmeli Viherluoto-Lindström, M.Sc
Endine kuberner, Distrikt 1420
President 2021–2022, Munkkiniemi Rotary Klubi