NB! Registration for the District Conference ends on 13.10.2024!

Register quickly here

October is the community economic development month. Rotary was created from entrepreneurs’ desire to connect and support ethical businesses. Paul Harris once said: “Whatever Rotary may mean to us, to the world, it will be known by the results it achieves.”

At Rotary’s second congress in Portland in 1911, Arthur Frederic Sheldon said: “Business is the science of human services. He profits most who serves his fellows best.” In Estonian: “Ettevõtlus on inimteenuste teadus. See teenib kõige rohkem kasumit, kes teenib oma kaaslasi kõige paremini.”

This developed into Rotary’s second official motto. The first, we all know, is “Service Above Self.” But the second official motto, now forgotten, was “One Profits Most Who Serves Best.” In 1989, Service Above Self was chosen as the official motto.

I really like Rotary’s vocational service. Why? Simple principles that support ethical business. Each of us can contribute here. The concept of vocational service also means serving society. Rotarians can contribute to society’s development by following and promoting these ideas:

  1. High ethical standards in business and all professions.
  2. Recognition of the value of all professions and trades.
  3. The dignity of each Rotarian’s profession is a way to serve society through their expertise.

So what now? Try these steps and see if you like them or not:

  1. Talk about your profession in your club, and take time to learn about your fellow members’ professions and activities.
  2. Use your professional skills and knowledge to serve the community.
  3. Practice your profession honestly and ethically, and inspire others to do the same.
  4. Help young people achieve their career goals.
  5. Mentor and encourage others in their professional development.

By doing these things, you will give real meaning to Rotary’s vocational service, which is the foundation from which we serve our communities around the world.

I’m going to speak at the Work Wellbeing Conference. The governor’s club helped at the Tõravere career day for young people so they could choose careers related to precision science.

During my club visits, I see many men and women whom I meet at business seminars, major client receptions, or startup breakfast smoothie sessions. I read their professional articles with great interest. A person is a whole with many skills and knowledge that shine differently in different situations.

In my opinion, Rotary clubs consist of the smartest, most caring, and most interesting people in society. Rotary IS magic.

Want to hear the news straight from the source? Want a longer, healthier life? Want to know how big the war we’re in is? Want to know the difference between a lace-maker and a Rotarian? Register quickly at www.rotary.ee. Our international conference is magical. The program and speakers were selected following Rotary International’s vision. Together, we create lasting change in the world, our community, and ourselves.

The conference will take place in the European Capital of Culture 2024, Tartu, on October 19, starting at 10:00. We will meet at the Hurda Hall of the Estonian National Museum!

Reserve a spot for your companion, too, as the conference topics will resonate with anyone who wants to be healthier, smarter, and more joyful.

Conference program:

If it seems like there are similar conferences, you might be right. I received an invitation to a conference with almost identical topics, but the speakers are not top professionals, and the price is nine times higher than at our “Healthy Society. Health and Peace” conference.

The conference organizing team: Margus Viigimaa, Marko Mihkelson, Sirje Sirita Somelar, Gunnar Toomemets, Marit Mikson, Ellen Tohvri, Ene Tannberg, Ene Tigane, Eva Kams, Piret Parvelo-Pettai, Merike Ploom, Hille Rätsep, Eve Moor, and the entire Governor’s Club. The Tartu Hansa Rotary Club contributes in one way or another. I personally started preparing for the conference the morning after the one held in Tallinn.

Short talk, long steps: Hurda Hall accommodates only 247 people, and most seats are already taken. NB! Registration for the regional conference ends on 13.10.2024!

Since the conference team has worked hard all year, the evening governor’s gala party will be emotional and fun. It will feature good food, a fantastic band, plenty of meetings, and passionate dancing. Passion and emotions are on the participants’ side.

Throughout the day, recognition will be given, there will be an auction to support Ukraine, and each conference attendee will receive a gift from sponsors.

It is unlikely that another Rotary international conference will take place in Estonia in the coming years. The last Rotary conference in Tartu was in 2007.

The Governor announces a competition

The best relative participation in the District Conference. The travelling trophy: the Millennium Bell. The prize is donated by the East-Helsinki Rotary Club. All Rotarians, companions, friends, and guests registered at www.rotary.ee and mentioned their club name will be counted.

Other news

Rotary District 1420 ry’s autumn meeting


  • 7.10 AG Training
  • 12.11 Sun Gala 2024
  • 14.11 NV Candidate Submission Deadline
  • 26.11 NV Candidate Interviews
  • 18.10 District Council Meeting, Tartu
  • 18.10 District Autumn Meeting, Tartu 19.10 District Conference in Tartu
  • 20.10 District Conference Team Meeting
  • 24.10 World Polio Day
  • 30.10 SVRP Autumn Meeting, Helsinki

RLI – Rotary Leadership Seminar/EE

  • 04.10 – I as a Rotarian, Part 1
  • 11.10 – My Rotary Club, Part 2
  • 01.11 – My Expanding Rotary World, Part 3

Club Visits:

  • 14.10 Pärnu Rotary Club
  • 14.10 Pärnu Lahe Rotary Club
  • 09.10 Tallinn International Rotary Club
  • 23.10 Viimsi Rotary Club 29.10 Meri-Espoo + Leppävaara Rotary Clubs
  • 30.10 Riihimäki-Hausjärvi + Hyvinkää Rotary Clubs
  • 31.10 Nurmijärvi-Klaukkala + Järvenpää Clubs.


Introducing speakers

Professor Andres Metspalu

Professor Andres Metspalu will take us into the fascinating world of genetic science, which opens the door to early disease detection and supports healthier lifestyles. The head of the University of Tartu’s Genomics Institute will discuss how the latest scientific achievements can change our understanding of health and disease prevention. Come and discover how science helps shape a healthier future!

Brigadier General Viktor Kalnitski

Brigadier General Viktor Kalnitski will participate in an exciting panel discussion with Kristi Raik and Marko Mihkelson. The discussion will focus on a timely topic: “How deep are we in the war?” Drawing on his experience with NATO and international operations, Kalnitski will highlight today’s military challenges and cooperation for peace. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear these experts discuss peace and security!

Program subject to change.

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