Pärnus ja Pärnumaal on viimaste aastate jooksul renoveeritud suur osa üldhariduskoole. Paraku ei kuulu rekonstrueerimise või remondikavadesse koolimööbli soetamine, milleks peab leidma lisaressursse.
Vanarahval on ütlus, et „kui saad üle koera, siis saad üle saba ka“. Selleks „koera sabaks“ on koolidel tihtipeale kujunenud koolimööbli puudus. Liiatigi olukorras, kus Eestisse ja Pärnumaale on saabunud ja lisandub arvukalt Ukraina sõjapõgenikke.
Probleemi lahendamisele on õnneks suureks abiks olnud Pärnu ja Soome Rotary klubide koostöös kasutatud Soome koolimööbli vahendamine humanitaarabina linna ja maakonna koolidesse. Pärnu Rotary klubi koostöö Puijola ja Kuopio Rotary klubidega algas juba üle 15 aastat tagasi, kus soomepoolseteks koostöö vedajateks on Matti Miettinen ja Heino Pohjoinen, Pärnu klubi poolelt Enn Rand. Ühelt poolt korraldavad kasutatud mööbli leidmise, pakkimise ja saatmise Soome veljed, teiselt poolt koolide leidmise, mööbli vastuvõtmise ja lahti pakkimisega Pärnu Rotary klubivennad.
Esimesena said mööblit Kilingi-Nõmme ja Tihemetsa kool, hiljem Tõstamaa, Varbla, Lindi ja Kihnu kool. Mööblit on saanud ka Waldorf kool, Vändra, Vihterpalu, Koonga, Lõpe kool.
Seoses Ukraina põgenike saabumisega Eestisse ja Pärnumaale on nõudlus kooliklasside suurendamiseks ja lisamööbli osas väga suur. Möödunud ja uue aasta alguses on Soomest saabunud kokku juba 6 rekkatäit kasutatud koolimööblit, peamiselt Savo Ametikoolist, mis on suunatud Jõõpre, Lavassaare, Audru, Aruvälja koolidesse, samuti Pärnu Tammsaare kooli, Vabakooli, Paikuse Põhilooli, Tõstamaale. Viimased koormad on suunatud Rääma põhikooli, mis on küll kenasti remonditud, kuid uue mööbli jaoks ressursid puuduvad, samuti Jõõpre kooli, kus nõudlus suur.
Koolid ja koolijuhid on juba aastaid kestnud koostöö üle väga õnnelikud ja tänulikud.
Sõja alguspäevast on Sotsiaalkindlusameti andmetel kokku Eestisse sisenenud Ukraina põgenike arv 17.01 seisuga 121404 inimest, sh alaealisi 28277. Neist on Eestisse jäänud on 66108. ja ligikaudu 42000 on saanud ajutise kaitse. Keskmiselt saabub Eestisse lisaks igal päeval 58 inimest, sh 5 alaealist. Haridusministeeriumi andmetel (09.01) on Eestis registreeritud Ukraina õpilasi kokku 8260.
Pärnumaal töötab statistikaameti andmetel selle aasta algusega 1358 sõjapõgenikku ehk üle nelja protsendi kõigist Pärnumaal hõivatutest. Peale selle on 351 inimest ennast registreerunud töötuks (10,6 protsenti kõigist Pärnumaal töötutest). 458 Ukraina õpilast on alustanud õpinguid Pärnumaa haridusasutustes, suurem osa (363) neist õpib Pärnu linnas eesti keeles või keelekümbluse baasil (kokku 94,5 protsenti).
Pärnumaal on kokku 28 põhikooli ja 10 gümnaasiumi, kokku 38 üldhariduskooli. Pärnu linnavalitsuse andmetel on Pärnu keskuslinnas on 15 kooli: 8 munitsipaalpõhikooli, 3 erapõhikooli, 2 munitsipaalgümnaasiumi, 1 eragümnaasium, 1 riigigümnaasium. Audru osavallas 2 põhikooli, 1 lasteaed-
algkool, Paikuse osavallas 1 põhikool, Tõstamaa osavallas 1 keskkool.
Information about the Finnish school furniture project
Rotary clubs help schools in Pärnu County (Pärnumaa), Estonia with school furniture.
In Pärnu and Pärnumaa, a large number of general education schools have been renovated in recent years. Unfortunately, the reconstruction or repair plans do not include the acquisition of school furniture, for which additional resources must be found. The Estonian old people have a saying that “if you get over the dog, you get over the tail”. This “tail” is often caused by a lack of school furniture. Especially in
the situation where numerous Ukrainian war refugees have arrived and are being added to Estonia and Pärnu County.
Fortunately, the distribution of used Finnish school furniture used in cooperation between Pärnu and Finnish Rotary clubs as humanitarian aid has been a great help in solving the problem to city and county schools. The Pärnu Rotary Club’s cooperation with the Puijon and Kuopio Rotary Clubs started more than 15 years ago, where Matti Miettinen and Heinola Pohjoinen are the keypersons of cooperation from the Finnish side, and Enn Rand from the Pärnu club’s side. On the one hand, the Finnish Rotarians organize the finding, packing and shipping of used furniture, on the other hand, the Pärnu Rotarians organize the finding of schools and their needs, receiving and unpacking the furniture.
Kilingi-Nõmme and Tihemetsa schools were the first to receive furniture, later Tõstamaa, Varbla, Lindi and Kihnu schools. Waldorf school, Vändra, Vihterpalu, Koonga, Lõpe schools have also received furniture.
Due to the arrival of Ukrainian refugees in Estonia and Pärnu County, the demand for increasing school classes and additional furniture is very high. Last year and at the beginning of the new year, a total of 6 truckloads of used school furniture have already arrived from Finland, mainly from Savo Vocational School and Kuopio Pirti School, which are destined for Jõõpre, Lavassaare, Audru, Aruvälja schools, as well as Pärnu Tammsaare school, Vabakooli, Paikuse Põhilooli, Tõstamaa. The last loads are directed to the Rääma elementary school, which has been nicely repaired, but there are no resources for new furniture, as well as the Jõõpre school, where demand is high.
Due to the increasing number of Ukrainian children, class sizes have been increased and new classes have been opened, which in turn increases the need for furniture. Schools and bullet guides are very happy and grateful for the cooperation that has lasted for many years.
Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, according to the Estonian Social Security Board, the total number of Ukrainian refugees who have entered Estonia as of 17.01 is 121,404 people, including 28,277 minors. Of these, 66,108 have remained in Estonia and approximately 42,000 have received temporary protection. On average, 58 people, including 5 minors, arrive in Estonia every day. According to the data of the Ministry of Education (09.01), there are a total of 8,260 Ukrainian pupils registered in Estonia.
According to the statistics office, 1,358 war refugees are working in Pärnu County at the beginning of this year, or more than four percent of all employed people in Pärnu County. In addition, 351 people have registered themselves as unemployed (10.6 percent of all unemployed people in Pärnu County). 458 Ukrainian pupils have started their studies in educational institutions in Pärnu County, most of them (363) study in Estonian in the city of Pärnu or on the basis of language immersion (94.5 percent in total).
Pärnu County has a total of 28 elementary schools and 10 high schools, a total of 38 general education schools. According to the Pärnu city government, there are 15 schools in the central city of Pärnu: 8 municipal primary schools, 3 private primary schools, 2 municipal high schools, 1 private high school, 1 state high school. 2 elementary schools, 1 kindergarten-primary school in Audru district, 1 elementary school in Paikuse district, 1 high school in Tõstamaa district.
Henn Vallimäe
President 2022-2023
Pärnu Rotary Klubi
Rotary on lahe!