Head tulevased presidendid ja sekretärid
Olete oodatud Rotary piirkonna 1420 tulevaste presidentide ja sekretäride koolitusseminarile!
Seminar on korraldatud kahes osas:
- ettevalmistav PrePETS toimub teisipäeval, 13.2.2024, kell 18-20 Zoomis. Zoomi link saadetakse registreerunutele päev enne koolitust.
- PETS (President-Elect Training Seminar) toimub reedel ja laupäeval, 22.-23. märtsil 2024 Tallinnas Nordic Forum hotellis.
Lisaks presidentidele ja sekretäridele on PrePETS kasulik ka klubide tulevastele kommunikatsiooni eest vastutajatele, olete oodatud!
Palun registreeruge seminaridele hiljemalt 10.veebruariks https://forms.gle/pVpMSEvQs4ayuzHP6
Lae alla kutse:
Dear Presidents-Elects and incoming Secretaries
You are invited to the training seminar for future presidents and secretaries of Rotary District 1420!
The seminar is organised in two parts:
- The 1st preparatory PrePETS will take place on Tuesday, 13.2.2024, at 18-20 on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to registrants the day before the training.
- PETS (President-Elect Training Seminar) will be held on Friday and Saturday, 22-23 March 2024, in the Nordic Forum Hotel in Tallinn.
In addition to presidents and secretaries, PrePETS is also helpful for communication offices; you are welcome!
Please register for the seminars by February 10 at the latest: https://forms.gle/pVpMSEvQs4ayuzHP6
Parimat soovides,
DGE Aune Past