Head presidendid ja rotariaanid,

Meil on hea meel teavitada, et Viljandi Rotary klubi on kalendrisse lisanud 30. aastapäeva peoplaanid!

Viljandi Rotary tegevust on saatnud juba 30 toredat aastat! Seda tuleb kindlasti tähistada, mistõttu saadan eelinfo majutuse võimaluste osas, kui olete 6.mai oma kalendris meiega pidutsemiseks juba planeerinud. Palun broneerige ka majutus aegsasti!

Etteruttavalt teavitan, et alustame programmiga juba päeval kell 14.00 – Sisseelamise aeg ja plaanis ka mõned toredad ühistegevused, mitte midagi konti murdvat! Peoga alustame kell 18.00 ja sellega on nii, et Galapeo asemel teeme seekord Kalapeo! Ei mingit survet riietusele, pidu toimub sõudeellingus Viljandi järve kaldal. Tõotab tulla meeleolukas päev, tule jaga meiega rõõmu!

Peomaksumus varajasele broneerijale on 80€/in (kuni 31.03.23) ja arveldusarve Viljandi Rotary klubi EE141010302007129009.
Osalustasu makstes palun märkige osaleja/ osalejate nimi ja klubi nimi

Kutse koos täpsema infoga juba peagi!

Vajadusel aitan majutuse broneerimisega!

Dear Presidents and Rotarians,

We are happy to remind you that Viljandi Rotary has supported its activities for 30 wonderful years! It must be celebrated, that’s why I’m sending advance information about accommodation options if you have already planned May 6th in your calendar to celebrate with us. Please book your accommodation well in advance!
I would like to inform you in advance that we will start the program on the day at 14:00 – Settling in time, and we also have some nice joint activities planned, nothing to break the bones! We will start the party at 19:00, and instead of the Gala Party, we will have a Fish Party this time! No pressure on clothing; the party takes place in a rowing boat hall on the shore of Lake Viljandi. It promises to be a fun day; share the joy with us!

The party price for early bookers is €80/in (until 31.03.23), and the account number for Viljandi Rotary Klubi is EE141010302007129009. When paying the participation fee, please indicate the participant/participants’ name and the Rotary club’s name.

Invitation with more detailed information coming soon!

If necessary, I will help with booking accommodation!

Parimate soovidega/ With best wishes,

Kristel Kesalo
Viljandi Rotary klubi president 22/23

Tel: +372 512 7086
e-post: kristel911@me.com

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